What a difference a machine makes! I can't believe it but I made this dress in half an hour! That's crazy! Granted, it is as simple as can be, but it is still something I could never have done by hand.
Not that this is much of a tutorial (no pictures of the process or anything) but here is all I did:
[] measure from desired hemline to hip - 33" for me
[] measure from hip to underbust - 13" for me
[] measure desired ease at hemline
[] measure hips, plus however many inches of ease you want - I went with 45"
[] measure bust- 40" for me
[] fold fabric in half legthwise and then half again the same
[] mark at 1/4 of hemline measurement going across the width (should be the narrow side of your fabric)
[] measure your hemline to hip distance up from that (along the long side of your fabric)
[] mark 1/4 your hip + ease measurement along the width
[] measure your hip to underbust up from there
[] mark 1/4 of your bust measurement along the width from there
[] repeat the same measurement however many inches up for your overbust
[] cut out, creating a-lines between the measurements
[] sew in along the length of each side
[] measure out and cut elastic for both your underbust and overbust
[] sew your underbust measured elastic along the underbust line of your dress, stretching the elastic as you go
[] repeat at the neckline of the dress with your overbust measured elastic, but this time folding the edge of the fabric back over the elastic creating a bit of a casing for it
[] voila! you are done
I will probably go back and add in some straps simply because strapless anything isn't kind to girls with larger chests.